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stratums: 「亜美真美貴音」/「ハナツカ」の作品 [pixiv] #pixitail

nightlifemingus: 3words-to-remember: nightlifemingus: this...





this is probably the only sex gif i will every reblog, because for some reason i feel like it’s more than just sex. i don’t know if it’s how they’re actually looking at one another or the way they can’t get close enough. he’s actually looking at her like a person and not just a sex object. 

but then again, it could be all in my head. i mean, this is how i would want it to be. but that’s just me.

I am so confused. Like is this the wrong gif paired with the text? or are you analyzing it as a sex gif or what i dont know.

it’s a joke. the joke is that there is an incongruity between the text, which is an actual description of a sex gif i have copied and pasted, and the actual image. the juxtaposition is humorous because it is unexpected and ridiculous; not only for the obvious lack of sex between pooh and his target, but also because of lines such as “[…] how they’re actually looking at one another or the way they can’t get close enough.” this example is in direct opposition with the action of the .gif: pooh and the man are in the beginnings of a physical altercation, there is no intimacy here. they are looking at each other with fear on one end and aggression on the other, and if they were to be able to get “close enough,” it would lead pooh to strike this man with the bat. i hope this helps and that you are able to laugh at my joke. please laugh at my jokes.

minaduki-6: 「佐倉暁美心象風景」/「なしむらいつき」の漫画 [pixiv]



- Twitter / miki_monokirk (via egoal)

rairaiken424: なに!田植機が埋まっただと?! 待っていろ、すぐに行く。 (BGM...


miss-azura: morepotatoes: The Avengers in 1978 TONY. TONY ARE...

tarou4: 1370009398761.jpg

leoat: 1369937383394.gif

leoat: 1369923669864.gif

pudknocker: Twitter / MetalYoshi お子さん「すごーい!たった15分でこんなの描けるの!」...

fuckyeahkei-on: Sawako’s not a member of Death Devil for...



Sawako’s not a member of Death Devil for nothing. HAHA! I mean just look at Ricchan praying for the safety of her soul… HAHA!

highlandvalley: 注目ボケ一覧 : ボケて(bokete)

tarou4: 1370053444143.jpg

翻訳冒険活劇 : 「男にはやおい穴がある」海外オタクがアニメから学んだ事を挙げていくスレ

かいがいの : はたらく魔王さま! 8話 「勇者、修羅場に突入する」 海外の感想

かいがいの : はたらく魔王さま! 8話 「勇者、修羅場に突入する」 海外の感想

かいがいの : はたらく魔王さま! 8話 「勇者、修羅場に突入する」 海外の感想

かいがいの : はたらく魔王さま! 8話 「勇者、修羅場に突入する」 海外の感想

かいがいの : はたらく魔王さま! 8話 「勇者、修羅場に突入する」 海外の感想

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